This article explores how the digital divide limits access to technology, impacting people’s social, educational, and economic opportunities. As AI becomes more integrated into daily life, this divide risks worsening, with digitally excluded groups being left behind. Digital confidence, not just access, plays a significant role in whether people embrace or fear AI. To ensure inclusive AI adoption, efforts must address both access and confidence gaps.
At the heart of the RAIL Initiative
RAIL certification seeks to address this challenge by providing foundational AI skills to learners from employees to job seekers, helping bridge the digital divide and ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to all – regardless of background or prior tech experience.
Key quotes
“In the face of [the] ongoing “digital divide”, countries are now talking about a future of inclusive artificial intelligence (AI). However, if we don’t learn from current problems with digital exclusion, it will likely spill over into people’s future experiences.”
“As AI tools increasingly reshape our workplaces, classrooms and everyday lives, there is a risk AI could deepen, rather than narrow, the digital divide.”