Australian firms not ready for AI despite high adoption rate – ITBrief


While Australian firms have a high rate of AI adoption, they are not fully prepared to integrate AI into their operations. Key barriers include a lack of skilled talent, insufficient infrastructure, and a lack of trust in AI technologies. Only 20% of firms feel they have the right AI capabilities, and challenges in data management and governance persist. This readiness gap poses significant risks to maintaining competitiveness in an AI-driven future. 

RAIL Commentary

RAIL certification addresses these challenges head-on by providing comprehensive, foundational AI education that equips employees with essential skills, fosters trust in AI technologies, and helps organisations build the capabilities needed to safely leverage AI efficiencies.

Key quotes

“Notably, 26% of respondents pointed to a lack of talent with Artificial Intelligence capabilities as a hindrance.”

Australian businesses clearly recognise AI’s transformative potential, with 85% of decision-makers acknowledging its significant benefits. However, our study reveals critical work remains to ensure true AI readiness across Australian industry.”

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